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Backend with SupaBase


For this demonstration we will use Supabase for storing centralized data and excuting edge functions. Although any modern backend system should suffice.

Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative for building secure and performant Postgres backends with minimal configuration. If you don't have an account you can sign up for a free account at the link above.

Getting started

First make sure to install Supabase

See the Supabase documentation for more info about Supabase CLI commands.

Run Supabase locally

cd ./middleware

# Spin up Supabase
supabase start

# Stop Supabase
supabase stop

Deploy to Supabase

For this tutorial we are going to push our migrations directly to Supabase. For production environments we recommend setting up a CI pipeline like described here.

First create an account at Supabase and setup a project. Next login in with the CLI and link your project.

# Login to Supabase
supabase login

# Link your project
supabase link --project-ref cotxdwwpcndxaijybcen

# Push db migrations to Supabase
supabase db push


Developing functions locally [Functions + env files]

# Create a new function
supabase functions new my-function

# Run functions locally with env file + debug
supabase functions serve --env-file ./supabase/.env.local --debug

# Deploy a function to Supabase
supabase functions deploy submit-game-stats

# Deploy all our created functions at once to Supabase
npm run deploy:functions

# For Production copy env file
cp ./supabase/.env.local ./supabase/.env

# Deploy secrets to Supabase
supabase secrets set --env-file ./supabase/.env

#Secrets management
# View all secrets

supabase secrets list

#Set secrets for your project
supabase secrets set NAME1=VALUE1 NAME2=VALUE2

# Unset secrets for your project
supabase secrets unset NAME1 NAME2


  • A cron-based Supabase edge function will query the game table each 5 minutes for scheduled games starting within the next hour.
  • It will create an active_game record 1 hour before the start of the game.

Join game

  • User can join a soon to start game from the active_game table that hasn't started yet.

Updating game state questions

A cron-based Supabase edge function will run every X seconds and will update the active_game + game_question tables before each round:

  • The active_game fields right_count, wrong_count + answer will be reset and round will be updated with +1.
  • A question will randomly be picked from the question table, excluding questions already in the game_question table for current game. question within active_game will be updated with the selected question.
  • A record will be inserted into game_question for the new question.

Updating game state answers

A cron-based Supabase edge function will run every X seconds and will update the active_game + game_question tables after each round:

  • After each question the answer + players_remaining will be updated.
  • When a winner has been decided winner + price will be updated for active_game.


  • Submitting answers will be done through an api endpoint (edge function).
    • It will check:
      • Whether the player is still in the game by checking the player_game table for the round and eliminated fields.
      • If the user hasn't already answered the question by checking the answers field in player_game.
    • If the player is still in the game and hasn't answered the question:
      • The answer will be added to answers in player_game.
      • If answer is correct the round in player_game will be updated to the next.
      • If the answer is wrong eliminated will be set to true
    • After submitting an answer the right + wrong counts of the active_game will be updated.


The client will query active_game for any games starting soon.

  • If 1 game has been found the app will start watching for changes of the active_game table.
  • If multiple games have been found the player can select a game from the list (later).
  • A player can participate by connecting their wallet.


Create migration

supabase migration new pick_random_question


  • Contains all scheduled + completed games. Serves as a history of played games.
  • Participant count will be added once the game has been completed.


  • App will watch game state to update the interface
  • Used questions ids will be added to the game to prevent double questions from being picked


  • State for app to watch for changes
  • History for games player has played


  • History of questions asked for games and their right / wrong counts.


Supabase automatically generates a GraphQL API. For this app it's restricted to queries only. Mutations have been disabled by revoking access for the postgres user anon and only granting select + trigger access. See the example below and the migrations .sql files.

-- Restrict API access to query only
revoke all on table game from anon;
grant references, select, trigger on table game to anon;



supabase functions serve --no-verify-jwt --debug

Enable realtime in dashboard: Database -> replication (active_game + player_game)

Generate Types

generate type mkdir schema supabase gen types typescript --local --schema public > schema/database.types.ts supabase gen types typescript --linked --schema public > ./schema/schema.ts

npx better-supabase-types -i ./lib/database-supabase.types.ts -o ./lib/database.types.ts

Invoke functions

To invoke:

curl -i --location --request POST 'http://localhost:54321/functions/v1/' \
   --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwicm9sZSI6ImFub24iLCJleHAiOjE5ODM4MTI5OTZ9.CRXP1A7WOeoJeXxjNni43kdQwgnWNReilDMblYTn_I0' \
   --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   --data '{"name":"Functions"}'

Debug functions:

supabase functions serve --debug


Realtime rate limits
