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LINK - Get straight to work with Module 7: Launch a dApp in 7 days.

Whether you are a seasoned Web2 or Web3 developer, the 7 day dApp challenge will help get your idea off the ground as a "Minimum Viable Product" or MVP. This learning module will guide you through the design and development of simple game called "Fact or Fiction".

We'll discuss the pre-development work, the frontend, backend and smartcontracts development using a small team of web developers.

Not only is our goal intended to help you launch, but we'll also help you eliminate the development risk involved with launching dApps.

Building on Koinos is RISK FREE

Historically, dApps were only accessible to token holders due to gas fees. Since Koinos is free to use, dApps launched on The Koinos Blockchain are able to reach users who don't hold any $KOIN what-so-ever. This is equivalent to using Ethereum without holding any $ETH.

Koinos is able to provide a free-to-use experience while being fully decentralized and permissionless. This means anyone can run a mining node and most importantly for developers, they'll be able to launch dApps on it with the full confidence that they have complete and total control over their dApp.

Our goal is to give development teams around the world the guidance they need to launch an MVP dApp and reach the next 1 million blockchain users with as minimal risk as possible.

Who this Module is For:

If you're a web2 developer, this module will guide you through launching a Web3 dApp. But you don't need to be a developer to benefit from this challenege.

New entrepreneurs who want to bring a dApp idea to life are equally essential to the ecosystem and will also benefit from understanding what it takes to launch a successful MVP.

Why 7 days?

Most projects fail because they don't launch. This framework encourages you to quickly launch and get user feedback by making it accesible to users world wide.


The dApp we'll be creating together is called "Fact or Fiction", a simple trivial game that uses a Web2 front end (React), a serverless Web2 backend (SupaBase), and Web3 smart contracts (TypeScript/Assembly Script). This framework is suitable for many different types of dApps that leverage smart contracts for their trustless capabilities, while still using tradition Web2 infrastructure for the non-blockchain critical logic.

Click here to go straight to Module 8: Launch a dApp in 7 days.