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Interacting with Smart Contracts

Believe it or not, you've already interacted with a smart contract! The $KOIN token is a system level smart contract that was pre-registered to the koino-cli in the .koinosrc file!

In this chapter, we will be reviewing how to register new contracts and what you should expect when doing so. The typical process is:

  1. Collect the wallet address for the smart contract you wish to interact with.
  2. Register the smart contract with a user defined name.
  3. Call the commands begining with the user defined name.

Collect the wallet address for the Smart Contract

When interacting with a new contract address, PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOU TRUST THIS CONTRACT FIRST! Interacting with a contract that you do not trust can result in lost of funds. We strongly suggest you use a smart wallet to handle interacting with unknown smart contracts! OR follow our Pro Tip below:

💡 Pro tip: ALWAYS generate a new wallet and supply it with the minimum number of $KOIN tokens that you need to complete the transaction you wish. For example, if you are interacting with a new NFT contract that cost 100 $KOIN, create a new wallet and send 100 $KOIN + some extra for the Mana cost

Register the Smart Contract

In this example, we will be interacting with the Koinos Acccount Protocol's namepsace contract on the Harbinger Test Net. The contract address is 1H3k4zttAjF7qfTqfmKZ4ZCdUL3pRdGnpG. To register the contract, use the following command:

🔓 > register namespace 1H3k4zttAjF7qfTqfmKZ4ZCdUL3pRdGnpG

You will notice that this is the exact same command located in your .koinosrc file! If your register is successful, you will recieve the following response:

Contract 'namespace' at address 1H3k4zttAjF7qfTqfmKZ4ZCdUL3pRdGnpG registered

When using the register command, the name of the contract is userdefined. We chose to use namespace but you can call it anything you wish.

To see what commands are available with this smart contract, use the list command and you should see a full list of available commands, including the new contract which you just registered. It will look something like this:

namespace.set_metadata                    - Set contract metadata
namespace.set_royalties                   - Unsupported
namespace.symbol                          - Returns the token's symbol
namespace.total_supply                    - Gets the total number of minted tokens
namespace.transfer                        - Transfer ownership of a name or TLA
namespace.transfer_ownership              - Transfer ownership of the contract
namespace.uri                             - Returns the token's uri

Note: If the smart contract was uploaded without an "Application Binary Interface" or .abi file, then these entrypoints will not be available and you will get an error.

You may now use the --help flag on any of these commands to learn thier usage. This process will apply to any smart contract address.