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Compile/Build your Contraact

When you've finished creating your code and completed all of your tests, we can build the release version and upload it to the blockchain.

For our hello world example contract, we'll build the release version by running the following command:

yarn build:release

The output should look something like this:

yarn run v1.22.15
$ koinos-sdk-as-cli build-all release 0 myawesomecontract.proto
Generating ABI file...
 yarn protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-abi=./node_modules/.bin/koinos-abi-proto-gen --abi_out=abi/ assembly/proto/myawesomecontract.proto 
$ /Users/tutorial/myawesomecontact/node_modules/.bin/protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-abi=./node_modules/.bin/koinos-abi-proto-gen --abi_out=abi/ assembly/proto/myawesomecontract.proto
Generating proto files...
yarn protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-as=./node_modules/.bin/as-proto-gen --as_out=. assembly/proto/*.proto
$ /Users/tutorial/myawesomecontact/myawesomecontract/node_modules/.bin/protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-as=./node_modules/.bin/as-proto-gen --as_out=. assembly/proto/myconmyawesomecontracttract.proto
Generating boilerplate.ts and index.ts files...
yarn protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-as=./node_modules/.bin/koinos-as-gen --as_out=assembly/ assembly/proto/myawesomecontract.proto
$ /Users/tutorial/myawesomecontract/node_modules/.bin/protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-as=./node_modules/.bin/koinos-as-gen --as_out=assembly/ assembly/proto/myawesomecontract.proto
Compiling index.ts...
node ./node_modules/assemblyscript/bin/asc assembly/index.ts --target release --use abort= --use BUILD_FOR_TESTING=0 --disable sign-extension --config asconfig.json
✨  Done in 4.04s.

Once the build completes, you will need to locate your .wasm and .abi file to upload to the blockchain.

Your .wasm file is located in the following directory:


Your .abi file is located in the following directory:


Next, we'll create a wallet on the Koinos Blockchain so we can upload our contract.