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Deploying your smart contract

We now have a wallet with some $tKOIN (or $KOIN if you are on main net). You'll also have a .wasm and .abi file.

Remember, if you following this lesson on testnet, use the testnet koinosrc file when using Koinos-CLI!

From koinos-cli open your new wallet address and enter the following command to upload the .wasm and .abi files we created previously:

upload myawesomecontract/build/release/contract.wasm myawesomecontract/abi/myawesomecontract.abi

You will get the following as a response that includes the transaction ID:

Contract uploaded with address 19yp497RPiuWwsNUWp9cHWfbWUupHsRQLE
Transaction with ID 0x122096042fb2e2c085eb4e78cb80a4933e6cda21ebf65722e2c0f283f39a9ba40f2a containing 1 operations submitted.
Mana cost: 0.38643078 (Disk: 16472, Network: 17562, Compute: 177948)

Next, we'll interact with this contract.

Important note: The wallet/address we use to upload a contract will be the address of the contract itself. This means that the address 19yp497RPiuWwsNUWp9cHWfbWUupHsRQLE is the address of the wallet we created earlier, but it is also the address of the contract. Smart contracts are users in Koinos. Additionally, the block size limit on the Koinos blockchain is set to 200kb which means that the contract's WASM files cannot exceed this size. If it does, splitting the logic into several smaller contracts would be necessary.

As you can see, the upload cost us 0.38643078 Mana. Mana is not a fee, but a regenerative resource intrinsic to each KOIN, which means we didn't spend any actual tKOIN (or KOIN on mainnet) to upload our contract.

We can check the transaction on a block explorer to confirm it's been successfully uploaded.

For harbinger testnet, use Koinos Blocks for Harbinger.

For Koions main net, use Koinos Blocks for Main Net

Since we uploaded our contract to the Harbinger test net, we'll use the second link and search 0x12205d19a5e9fc1a8d12478b7ff761c7b4619b9770404da2dff41d872cd0f0e6fdf8 which brings us to the transaction information, confirming the upload was successful.