Installing the koinos-sdk-as-cli
Before we install the SDK, we must ensure that the development environment has all of the required dependencies.
We strongly recommend using a Mac or Linux to develop smart contracts. While all of these steps can be done on a Windows machine, it requires significantly more troubleshooting to set up the environment.
Step 1: Install NodeJS
Install NodeJS for your specific machine.
Be aware that you may need to use nvm
or the node version manager to set the different versions of NodeJS. We have tested to ensure that version 16.13.1 works with the SDK.
Notes for Installation on Mac Silicone (M1/M2):
If find an error with NodeJS
when compiling smart contracts that appears similar to this output:
npm ERR! command /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js install --force
--cache=/Users/motoengineer/.npm --prefer-offline=false --prefer-online=false --offline=false --no-progress --no-save
--no-audit --include=dev --include=peer --include=optional --no-package-lock-only --no-dry-run
Then try running this command:
sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/{username}/.npm"
Step 2: Install Google Protocol Buffers
is necessary to build .proto
files for Koinos Smart Contracts.
Follow the instructions at the Protobuf github repo for the binarys specific to your machine.
Intel Macs:
Use homebrew package manager to easily install protobuf for your Intel Mac using the following command:
brew install protobuf
Apple Silicon M1/M2:
Use homebrew package manager to easily install protobuf for your Apple Silicone Machine, you may easily install protobuf for your M1 silicone chip using the following command:
arch -arm64 brew install protobuf
You may easily install protobuf for your machine using the following command:
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
We've found the following guide to be useful for installing Protobuf
on windows, just be sure to use the latest version of protobuff
How to Install Protocol Buffers on Windows
Verify your installation:
After installation, you may verify protoc is installed using the following commands regardless which machine you are using:
protoc --version
The response should be (exact version may vary):
>libprotoc 3.21.12
Verify the directory for protoc is in your $PATH using teh following command:
which protoc
The output should match the directory of your shell, otherwise be sure to include the path of your installation into your specific shell and try again.
You are now ready to install the koinos-sdk-as-cli
Step 3: Install the Official Koinos Assembly Script SDK
We will use Yarn Package Manager to perform the installation, but NPM will work as well.
Install the Koinos AssemblyScript CLI by running this command in your terminal:
yarn global add @koinos/sdk-as-cli
The koinos-sdk-as-cli
should be installed globally, we can check by running this command:
$(yarn global bin)/koinos-sdk-as-cli -V
The output should read 1.0.4
or the current version of the AS SDK CLI Node package.
For the remainder of this guide, we will be calling koinos-sdk-as-cli
directly. To do this, be sure to add $(yarn global bin)
to your PATH
to be able to use the CLI directly if it hasn't done this automatically.
You are now ready to begin using the SDK!!!